Create the Life You Love – 7 Tips

Create the Life You Love – 7 Tips


Create the life, you love – 7 Tips. As a hypnotherapist it’s my job to act as a guide to help empower you and create the life you love. The key thing is empowerment. Once you realize just how much personal power you do have over your mood, your perceptions and your emotions you’re ready to improve what you already have, create what you do want and delete what’s unnecessary!


The Power of Letting Go (


Client’s come to me when they’ve reached a point where their path in life is not making them happy and they are ready to make positive changes. Sometimes it only takes a few small changes or a shift in perspective to make the world of difference. Hypnotherapy is a great tool to help you tap into all your inner resources, if you’re not ready for hypnotherapy here’s some ideas on how to help you help yourself.








Create the Life You Love – 7 Tips

Create the Life You Love – 7 Tips 2

1. Ask yourself “What do I want?”  and just as in earlier posts, focus your attention on the positive future you, in place of the negative now. “I want to be happy” as opposed to “I want to stop being unhappy”. It’s the same information but it’s giving yourself positive motivation, leaving the negative behind.


2. Compromise but don’t settle! Be honest about what’s important to you. Deal with problems by being truer about your values and desires. Deciding what you can do to make your relationships/ business work better is very powerful. If something isn’t working, do something different.

Create the Life You Love – 7 Tips

3. Prepare for bumps in the road. Sometimes change isn’t easy. You can control you own thoughts and actions but can be thrown by things not going as you planned. You can prepare in advance by thinking through possible hurdles and how you will overcome them (read more about implementation intentions in link to automatic willpower). A blip is not a finish be persistent.

4. You may make “mistakes”. It’s important not to let the fear of “mistakes” / change stand in your way. Own your own role in whatever doesn’t work out as planned.

8 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Change | Welcome Hypnotherapy

You’ll never learn if curveballs don’t come your way. Recognizing what went wrong means you will not repeat the same unhelpful pattern.


The mistake I found myself making was to put excess energy into my part time job. I learnt I can still give 100% while on the clock but to also keep it in perspective as a way to cover my costs while building a better future.

Create the Life You Love – 7 Tips

5. Have faith in yourself. You know what you want and what matters to you. Remember that it’s you who are living your life and people’s advice and options may not always be helpful. To give a personal example: In order to keep a roof over my head while building my business and rehabilitating from injury I changed my career, all very positive steps. This is not universally perceived as such and some people’s reactions and opinions were surprisingly negative, my physiotherapist was very supportive mind you!


6 Easy Ways to Build Selflove (


6 Easy Ways to Build Selflove

6. Focus on the present, where you are now is your springboard to success, you can’t change the past but you can learn from it. It’s important to move on with your head held high – chin parallel to the floor!




7. Listen to your body. Our minds and bodies are linked. Looking after one helps the other. Good posture makes you feel better, your gut instincts are usually spot on. If you’re laughing and feeling happy even aches and pains subside/ disappear. Listening to your body will help you make good choices, decisions and ultimately feel happier.

How to Learn to Trust Yourself More (

I really recommend Tom Morrison for accessible exercises that give great results. 10 Minute Full Body Mobility Flow // Follow along at home! – YouTube




Create the Life You Love – 7 Tips


When we talk about creating the life you love we are thinking about happiness. Small changes can make a big difference. Life can’t be all sunshine and lollipops but learning to let go, roll with the punches, decide what you do want and having faith in yourself will help you weather the storms, fall and stay in love with your life.


Author: Janet Adams

I am a qualified Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist based in Belfast but offering treatments virtually as well.

Contact me to see if I can Help You.

Phone Number: +44 7952 345840


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