6 Ways to Stay Sane:
6 Ways to stay sane – Welcome to my, by no means exhaustive, list. Alternatively titled 6 Ways to Stay Sane (enough!) We are all human and hypnotherapists face the same emotional challenges in life as everyone else. The goal is not necessarily to be zen like and permanently calm.
No one is perfect, to keep trying, growing, learning and improving your average of not going off the deep end is good enough for us humans. To be in touch with your all your emotions and to learn how, when and if they are working for you or against you is something, we can all benefit from. www.mindowl.org run wonderful courses and sessions on all aspects of emotional intelligence.
Definition Sane (adj)- “Mentally Healthy able to think and behave normally and act reasonably”. The can of worms that is “behaving normally” is a subject for a future post.
Stress builds and builds. Want to interrupt the cycle? Then try this simple exercise.
Breathe in for 7 seconds and out for 11. You can do it anywhere without anyone even knowing you’re doing it.
Breathe in calm or get playful and creative, breathe in strength/acceptance (whatever you want).
Breathe out stress and anxiety, this calms you (by getting in touch with your parasympathetic nervous system) and helps us gain that all-important sense of perspective.
Even if you smoke or vape, you’ll find this little trick might actually help you save some cash or even with time and effort quit (if you want to).
Move and stretch. It’s vital, physical and mental health are 2 sides of the same coin. dance in the living room with the kids, squeeze your buttocks as you walk, Plie like a ballerina when u take your washing out of the machine, climb the stairs enough times to reach the summit of Everest, try chair based yoga, move what you can when you can. Whatever you manage is a step in the right direction. The book Spark by John Ratey (available in audio for those on the move) looks at the science of exercise’s effect on the brain. How it increases our ability to cope with stress. How we move affects how we think and how we think affects how we feel. It also increases our ability to learn…
Learn something
maybe something you’ve always wanted to but never managed to find the time. Grandma Moses started to paint in her 70’s, Mozart was playing piano at 4. Age or circumstances are irrelevant. The only boundaries are the ones you place on yourself get creative. Grab those 10 minutes a day if that’s all you have and treat yourself to exploring something new that makes you happy.
We are living in a golden age of technology with never before access to online tutorials, webinars, classes and lectures. And with remote technology you need never have to do it alone.
keep in touch with friends and family. We are all in this together, self-sufficient hermits living off the land with access to spring water and 100% lifelong clean bill of health aside. We need each other to function/ thrive.
Enjoy shared interests, the host of crows that live by me night not have the pull for a local appreciation society, globally is a different story. Connecting can also mean helping. Can you help someone sink or swim or at a push, float? Can you let yourself be helped? Do it locally or join an online community, even build an online community.
Be prepared.
Like the stoic Epictetus said we can’t control anything that happens outside ourselves the only thing you we control is how we respond. How do we give ourselves the best chance is to be the healthiest version of ourselves? Practically, organisation is key, declutter, simplify, for example Steve Jobs always wore the same outfit, no deciding what to wear. No wasted effort on something that was unimportant to him. Is there something in your life that is similar, causes you frustration even though it’s of no interest? Can you side-line it by sticking to a template?
If we make sure we have enough essentials for physical comfort and to keep our bodies and environment clean. Eating healthily is one of the biggest ways to remain fighting fit. After all our body is the one thing, we carry around permanently. These basic things help to strengthen our faith in ourselves. In our abilities to survive and thrive no matter what life throws at us.
We all know there’s nothing like a good night’s sleep. It allows our bodies to make all their essential repairs. Dreamland has a purpose too. Be they realistic or symbolic, dreams help us take the sting out of problems/ upsets. They make molehills out of mountains and act to save our mental health. Anything that’s made us emotional or reactive during the day is re run. The memories are moved to regions of the brain that that help us gain perspective.
Good sleep tips: regular sleep and wake up times; make your room a little sanctuary for sleep and rest, no electronics or work in the bedroom; put eating, exercising and screen time on list of things to avoid an hour before bed. And snuggle down for a peaceful night.
The primitive region of our minds reacts to protect us in times of real or imagined crisis. Its job is to keep us safe, vigilant and alive. By doing everything we can that is within our control we are calming and soothiwng ourselves. Acting within what we can control, reduces unnecessary stress. In the face of the very real or imagined threats we all face. It gives us the chance to respond to life’s challenges in the healthiest ways possible.
Hypnotherapy is a tool which helps you to get the primitive mind on board. It becomes a team player, working with you not against you. You are always the one in control. As a hypnotherapist I act as a guide/ coach. You will find your own unique and instinctive voice which will guide you through life. Creating the life, you love that is just right for you.
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