pink moon in pink sky over mountains words helping PTSD

Helping PTSD with Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy

Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy focuses on your strengths and future goals, using techniques designed to foster resilience and reduce the emotional intensity of traumatic memories. This therapy is unique in that it prioritizes what’s next, rather than revisiting painful past events.

5 Tips for Finding Balance

5 Tips for Finding Balance

5 Tips for Finding Balance. Even the smallest step is going to start paying dividends. The more you put these steps into practice the greater your sense of achievement will be. You can build on the wins.

Breathe for Calmness

Breathe for Calmness

Breathe for Calmness. There’s no simpler way to start getting a handle on your emotions than using your breathing. It’s accessible and requires no specialized equipment! When I mentioned the stoic principle of the only things in our control are what we think and how we react to someone recently, they came back with “I can’t control my thoughts! Who can?”. The answer is everyone, it just takes practice.

You Can Change

You Can change

You can change. If you believe change is possible. There is theory in psychology that there is no fixed you. The debate of nature vs nurture, whether our genes or our environment, make us who we are has been extensively researched. It’s been established that ….

9 Ideas for Reducing Everyday Stress

9 Ideas for Reducing Everyday Stress

We all know stress is a part of everyday life. Nipping it in the bud and being able to control how much it affects us will reduce its impact and longer-term consequences. Using some of these suggestions when you start to feel stressed will make it easier to deal with.

7 Ways to Manage your Weight

7 Ways to Manage your Weight

7 Ways to Manage your Weight. There are many things we can do to keep ourselves feeling healthy. I asked clients and they agreed that eating too much, too often and all the wrong stuff were their biggest issues. This post takes a look at what can cause overeating, 7 tips on maintaining a healthy balanced weight and how hypnotherapy can help.

5 Easy Ways to Improve Mental Clarity

5 Easy Ways to Improve Mental Clarity

Mental clarity will help you focus on what is important and make it easier to make the right decisions at the right time. There’s a lot going on in the world and our day to day lives, choosing what and who we engage with helps us gain mental clarity and peace of mind. These 5 tips will help.

Ego-Get Out of Your Own Way

Ego – Get Out of Your Own Way

The mindset of learning to love yourself without overestimating yourself, is a powerful tool. A big ego can seem like a strength but it leads to unhappiness as much as lack of self-esteem can lead to not having or enforcing boundaries. A balanced ego helps you get out of your own way and become a happier and more productive member of society.

Affirmations & Wellbeing

Affirmations & Wellbeing

Affirmations can be a simple way to make a positive impact on our mood and wellbeing. Our brains or thoughts aren’t set in stone, neuroplasticity means our brains have the ability to change. How we think about and talk to ourselves has a big impact on our body and mind so why not give ourselves the chance to thrive?

Create the Life You Love – 7 Tips 1

Create the Life You Love – 7 Tips

Create the Life You Love – 7 Tips .When we talk about creating the life you love we are thinking about happiness. Small changes can make a big difference. Life can’t be all sunshine and lollipops but learning to let go, roll with the punches, decide what you do want and having faith in yourself will help you weather the storms, fall and stay in love with your life.

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