9 Ideas for Reducing Everyday Stress
9 Ideas for Reducing Everyday Stress. April is National stress awareness month. Stress has become another modern-day epidemic. Here’s some ideas on how to overcome stress even when your funds are low or you’re not able to get away on holiday.
We all know how badly stress can affect our mental health it also has an effect on our physical health too. Pain is felt more intensely when we’re stressed. Powering on through and neglecting yourself is damaging so let’s put the brakes on.
9 Ideas for Reducing Everyday Stress
1. Take a nap. A short 20-to-30-minute nap now and again that doesn’t interfere with you night’s sleep can be a great way to refresh yourself. Stress is exhausting.
2. Sleep well! Get the right amount of sleep for you. Make a healthy sleep routine.
Simple Steps to Better Sleep | (welcomehypnotherapy.co.uk)
The Mental Health Benefits of Good Sleep (welcomehypnotherapy.co.uk)
9 Physical Health Benefits of Good Sleep | Welcome Hypnotherapy
3. Relax your body. Whether getting a massage or taking the time to meditate or flexing and relaxing your muscles head to toe. Even closing your eyes and taking some deep breaths can be enough. Your mind will respond to how your body feels.
4. Exercise. Walk / swim/ gym / all change our perspective by changing the environment. You’ll be more energized in the long run and enjoy the feel good endorphins afterwards.
5. Take a digital break. We’re bombarded by technology our brains are overstimulated and on alert. Finding something in the real world that distracts or engrosses us is a great way to reduce stress.
6. Talk it out. Talking to friends or family can help or there are even lots of therapy options available. The NHS has a free talking therapy service NHS talking therapies – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
9 Ideas for Reducing Everyday Stress
7. Speak up at work. It might be appropriate to tell your boss about your anxiety/ stress. It can give them an idea of how this is impacting your work. A good boss will listen and you can come up with a plan that works for all concerned.
8. Be kind to yourself. You can easily make stress worse by thinking negatively about yourself. Decide to care about yourself and choose positive ways to reframe your thinking and how you talk to and about yourself.
9. Hypnotherapy. Talking about where you want to be and how to get there. Focusing on solutions. A client recently described her session as like waking from a great nap. Like a brain reset. She looked around and not only did everything seem brighter but the mountain of dishes seems like only a few, everything just seemed more manageable than daunting.
3 Reasons to Choose Hypnotherapy For Better Sleep (welcomehypnotherapy.co.uk)
9 Ideas for Reducing Everyday Stress
We all know stress is a part of everyday life. Nipping it in the bud and being able to control how much it affects us will reduce its impact and longer-term consequences. Using some of these suggestions when you start to feel stressed canmake it easier to deal with.