8 Reasons to Make Time for Fun!

8 Reasons to Make Time for Fun!

8 Reasons to Make Time for Fun! Why is fun so important. What did fun ever do for us? this post also includes a short exercise to help you feel happier in minutes.

10 Ways to Deal with Negative Situations

10 Ways to Deal with Negative Situations

10 Ways to Deal with Negative Situations When we’re in stressful circumstances our initial reactions can lead us to react and say things we can’t take back, lash out or fall into depression. Why not arm yourself with some of these ideas for skilfully living the life you want.

3 Ways to Make Life Easier 1

3 Ways to Make Life Easier

This post looks at positivity’s role in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, how we use it to encourage serotonin flow, what serotonin does and how this differs from toxic positivity.

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