Sleep Well this Christmas

Sleep Well this Christmas

The thing is whether you dread it, are trying to make the perfect one or you’re somewhere in-between life doesn’t stop, bloggers keep blogging. Although in the spirit of taking a break (if you can that is!) here’s a roundup of some of my blogs this year.

One Secret to Taking Control of Your Life

One Secret to Taking Control of Your Life

One Secret to Taking Control of Your Life. When you’re overwhelmed, feeling unlucky or facing challenges in life it can seem easy to blame others, your circumstances or fate. If you believe that and repeat it often enough you will feel powerless to change anything. Choose to see everything in your life as your responsibility and start making some changes. You’ll eventually enjoy the power that comes with it.

How to Have a Merrier Christmas

How to Have a Merrier Christmas

How to Have a Merrier Christmas. This post acknowledges why you might not be in the festive spirit or actively dislike the season! how you can enjoy it more and how hypnotherapy can help.

Stop Self-Sabotage in 4 Steps

Stop Self-Sabotage in 4 Steps

Stop Self-Sabotage in 4 Steps. This post takes a look at what self-sabotage is. Some of the reasons why we might do it, how hypnotherapy is so effective in combatting it and the 4 steps we can take to stop ourselves doing it!

Build Your Resilience 1

Build Your Resilience

Resilience is the ability to adapt and grow through difficult circumstances. We can increase it with helpful thoughts, behaviours and motivation. By caring for our mind, body and soul we can strengthen our foundations, help regulate our emotions and improve our relationships. Helpful tips what will you do first to make your life better?

Believe in Your Success

Believe in your success. There’s no doubt that seeing ourselves as unsuccessful or caught in an inescapable loop can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The opposite of this a delusional belief that we are just going to be rewarded with no effort or drive or plan. This post is about the middle ground. Hitting the sweet spot where you can actively work towards your success.

Live an Authentic Life (2)

Live an Authentic Life

Live an Authentic Life. When what you think, say and do is in harmony. You have a sense of ease. You find there’s more to smile and feel happy about. You let in the good stuff and feel more comfortable and easier about saying no to the bad. Life is simpler.

5 Ways to Make Time

5 Ways to Make Time. With our time travelling minds. We can go anywhere at any time. Thoughts of the past, dreams of the future and those daydream times. This post is about how to slow down on all that jumping and the distress it can cause and get more out of our present.

The power of letting go

The Power of Letting Go

The power of letting go. How Letting go of negativity in your mind and body leads to thriving and 10 Ways to let the sunshine in.

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