How to Spot a Fixed Mindset and Embrace Growth

Does it ever feel like someone’s limiting beliefs are putting a lid on what’s possible? Recognizing a fixed mindset—in others and in ourselves—can help us move forward, improve relationships, and unlock our own potential.

5 Tips for Finding Balance

5 Tips for Finding Balance

5 Tips for Finding Balance. Even the smallest step is going to start paying dividends. The more you put these steps into practice the greater your sense of achievement will be. You can build on the wins.

Breathe for Calmness

Breathe for Calmness

Breathe for Calmness. There’s no simpler way to start getting a handle on your emotions than using your breathing. It’s accessible and requires no specialized equipment! When I mentioned the stoic principle of the only things in our control are what we think and how we react to someone recently, they came back with “I can’t control my thoughts! Who can?”. The answer is everyone, it just takes practice.

Power Nap! Hypnosis Video

Power Nap! Hypnosis Video

Power Nap! Hypnosis Video Want to feel refreshed/ relaxed/ energised? This 17 minute long video is your chance to invest in your wellbeing.

Listening for a Lighter Life – 6 Tips

Listening for a Lighter Life – 6 Tips

Listening for a Lighter Life – 6 Tips. Little things do make a difference practicing these easy listening tips will help uplift others, avoid misunderstandings, give you the opportunity to be listened to in turn and improve your relationships.

One Secret to Taking Control of Your Life

One Secret to Taking Control of Your Life

One Secret to Taking Control of Your Life. When you’re overwhelmed, feeling unlucky or facing challenges in life it can seem easy to blame others, your circumstances or fate. If you believe that and repeat it often enough you will feel powerless to change anything. Choose to see everything in your life as your responsibility and start making some changes. You’ll eventually enjoy the power that comes with it.

Build Your Resilience 1

Build Your Resilience

Resilience is the ability to adapt and grow through difficult circumstances. We can increase it with helpful thoughts, behaviours and motivation. By caring for our mind, body and soul we can strengthen our foundations, help regulate our emotions and improve our relationships. Helpful tips what will you do first to make your life better?

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