How to Spot a Fixed Mindset and Embrace Growth

Does it ever feel like someone’s limiting beliefs are putting a lid on what’s possible? Recognizing a fixed mindset—in others and in ourselves—can help us move forward, improve relationships, and unlock our own potential.

5 Tips for Finding Balance

5 Tips for Finding Balance

5 Tips for Finding Balance. Even the smallest step is going to start paying dividends. The more you put these steps into practice the greater your sense of achievement will be. You can build on the wins.

You Can Change

You Can change

You can change. If you believe change is possible. There is theory in psychology that there is no fixed you. The debate of nature vs nurture, whether our genes or our environment, make us who we are has been extensively researched. It’s been established that ….

Lessen Stress with Critical Thinking

Lessen Stress with Critical Thinking

Following these steps will help you use and improve your critical thinking skills. The more you practice the better you will get. You will be able to reap the rewards of better choices and decisions. Taking the emotion out of the problem will decrease your stress levels, help you think more clearly and open up worlds of possibility.

Leave Stress in the Office

Leave Stress in the Office

If there’s one thing, we are aware of its stress. It’s easy to recognize it’s signs. The knotted stomach, the feeling of being out of your depth or about to lose your temper or not wanting to interact at all. But it is possible to leave the stress where it belongs and not have it impact outside of the office. This is an article on how mindset and affirmations can help.

Improve Your Memory

Improve Your Memory

improve your memory. By paying attention and learning what’s good to forget, you can free up your mind to feeling more alive and involved in life and find solutions and aspirations that work for and inspire you to explore new challenges.

Breaking Out of a Rut – 8 Tips

Breaking Out of a Rut – 8 Tips

Breaking Out of a Rut – 8 Tips

Changing our perspective by challenging and changing our thoughts is an effective way to open our eyes to new opportunities and approaches. Taking on some or all of these suggestions might help you break unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour and breaking out of that rut!

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