Dealing with Drama
Drama and conflict are a natural part of all our lives. As a rule of thumb, we’re can expect to be able to deal with spending up to 10 % of our time involved in it. Here’s some ways to get rid of the drama you don’t need!
Drama and conflict are a natural part of all our lives. As a rule of thumb, we’re can expect to be able to deal with spending up to 10 % of our time involved in it. Here’s some ways to get rid of the drama you don’t need!
5 Tips for Finding Balance. Even the smallest step is going to start paying dividends. The more you put these steps into practice the greater your sense of achievement will be. You can build on the wins.
Listening for a Lighter Life – 6 Tips. Little things do make a difference practicing these easy listening tips will help uplift others, avoid misunderstandings, give you the opportunity to be listened to in turn and improve your relationships.
5 Ways to Make Time. With our time travelling minds. We can go anywhere at any time. Thoughts of the past, dreams of the future and those daydream times. This post is about how to slow down on all that jumping and the distress it can cause and get more out of our present.
How to Deal with Toxic People. One of the top things we can do to look after our mental health is to socialise and maintain healthy friendships and working/ personal relationships. Those we choose to be closest to should be supportive and bring out the best in us. Toxic people are bad for our health this post looks at how to spot them and why you might want to “take out the trash”. Is it time to declutter your emotional life?