Power Nap! Hypnosis Video
Power Nap! Hypnosis Video Want to feel refreshed/ relaxed/ energised? This 17 minute long video is your chance to invest in your wellbeing.
Power Nap! Hypnosis Video Want to feel refreshed/ relaxed/ energised? This 17 minute long video is your chance to invest in your wellbeing.
The thing is whether you dread it, are trying to make the perfect one or you’re somewhere in-between life doesn’t stop, bloggers keep blogging. Although in the spirit of taking a break (if you can that is!) here’s a roundup of some of my blogs this year.
10 Ways to Deal with Negative Situations When we’re in stressful circumstances our initial reactions can lead us to react and say things we can’t take back, lash out or fall into depression. Why not arm yourself with some of these ideas for skilfully living the life you want.
This post looks at why we have trouble falling asleep, waking in the night, oversleeping and how hypnotherapy works to remedy this.
4 Easy Pillow Fixes for Sleep Comfort, this post looks at how simple it can be to improve on our favourite sleep position and what it might say about your personality.