Understanding Your Angry Outburst

Learn why anger outbursts happen and how they can signal unmet needs or crossed boundaries. Discover how hypnotherapy can help you respond calmly and grow from the experience

Breathe for Calmness

Breathe for Calmness

Breathe for Calmness. There’s no simpler way to start getting a handle on your emotions than using your breathing. It’s accessible and requires no specialized equipment! When I mentioned the stoic principle of the only things in our control are what we think and how we react to someone recently, they came back with “I can’t control my thoughts! Who can?”. The answer is everyone, it just takes practice.

Leave Stress in the Office

Leave Stress in the Office

If there’s one thing, we are aware of its stress. It’s easy to recognize it’s signs. The knotted stomach, the feeling of being out of your depth or about to lose your temper or not wanting to interact at all. But it is possible to leave the stress where it belongs and not have it impact outside of the office. This is an article on how mindset and affirmations can help.

How to Manage Your Anger

How to Manage Your Anger

How to Manage Your Anger. Dealing with & not denying your anger is the way to work through it for the benefit of you and those around you. Learning to communicate assertively will enhance that powerful feeling of self-control rather than the feeling of failure that comes from trying to control things outside of yourself. Practice the suggestions in this post and you can start to make the changes you want to see in your life.

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